Building engineering and small architecture forms

Building engineering and small architecture forms

Exploitation advantages and durability of stainless steel resulted in their wide application in building structures and small architecture forms. Still improved technologies of cutting and welding of acid resistant steel, enable their wide use in modern architecture.
Electrochemical and chemical processing of acid resistant steel assures longevity, improved resistance to atmospheric hazards and first of all, decorative look.

ECM sp. z o.o. assures long lasting, unchanged and attractive look of architectural forms, that for many years focus attention of users, visitors and passer-bys.  Results of our work are to be seen not only in supermarkets in Poland, but also in such places as Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park, Chicago, USA.

We offer a wide scope of our services and engineering advice in chemical and electrochemical processes.Supporting structures outdoor and indoor, table and chair frames, railings, stairs, platforms, benches, bicycle stands, swimming pool fittings, baskets. Small architecture forms, monuments, sculptures these are only examples for building engineering and small architecture forms.


ECM Sp. z o.o. i Wspólnicy Sp. k.
Production Facility
ul. Fabryczna 10 building D-8
Wroclaw Industrial Park
53-609 Wroclaw

phone +48 71 727 01 60

Contact details

KRS 0000321008
NIP 894-29-64-794
REGON 02091437
NO ACCOUNT: 28 1090 2503 0000 0001 3078 0093

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